High Water Bill?
You may wonder why you have a high water bill but let’s start with the word ‘bill.’
The word “bill” has a number of meanings and uses. Probably most common is its use as first name. How William becomes Will and/or Bill has always been a bit confusing. If Will is short for William, shouldn’t Bill be short for Billiam? That would be an interesting name.
There’s also the legislative “bill”. In 1792, George Washington exercised the first veto on a bill. It would’ve divided the seats in the House of Representatives giving a few more seats to the North. Though he thought me might come off as a bit biased to the South, Washington nonetheless stopped its passing. Since the cherry tree, image was always a concern for ole George.
Another bill most are familiar with is their utility bill. Whether it’s your electric bill, gas bill or water bill, you see some bill once a month. Your water bill fluctuates greatly throughout the year for a number of reasons but there are some you can definitely control. An average family of four uses about 400 gallons of water a day and rates for running water can greatly vary from state to state. If you’ve seen a huge spike in your water bill, here are a things to look for:
Toilet Leaks
One possible source of a high water bill is your toilet. Your toilet uses more water than just about every other item in your home. Roughly nearly 30% of all water used inside your house goes through your toilet. Often your tank will leak back into the bowl. Now sometimes you can actually see or hear the leak if it’s strong enough. Other times the leaking water could be so subtle you’ll never notice it; until you get the bill.
If you want to be certain, you can place a few drops of food coloring into the tank. Come back after some time and if you see the color in the bowl, well, you have a leak. Normally a faulty valve in your tank is the cause for that leak. Most home improvement stores or even big-box stores will carry what’s commonly known as a flapper.
Sprinkler System
High water bills can arise because of a leak in your sprinkler system. Many lawns nowadays have a timed watering system. So over-watering usually isn’t the culprit. What could be over-watering your lawn are cracks or breaks in pipes under your grass. Or maybe a water leak in one of the fixtures. If you had this installed by a landscaper make sure to alert them to it immediately.
New Dishwasher, Refrigerator, or Washing Machine
New appliances in your home can be very exciting. They can also cause spikes in your water bill if they use water when the previous appliance didn’t. Most newer appliances have settings that can regulate how much water they use. Make sure to have those settings dialed-in by a professional.
Change in Routine?
Are you getting up earlier for work? So perhaps you’re taking showers earlier in the morning and letting the water run longer to heat up. If there’s no way around you taking a cold shower perhaps take a shorter shower to compensate for the time waiting for the water to warm up. Also switching to a WaterSense showerhead could save about 2900 gallons of water a year. Think about this when it comes to high water bills.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Running your water while your brush your teeth can equal up to 2 gallons of water. So shutting it off can save about 200 gallons a year. Yet sometimes when you shut it off you might not notice the slow leak costing you. Or do you have any faucets you rarely use? Sometimes older homes will have faucets and fixtures in the oddest places.Those too could be leaking so slowly that it goes completely unnoticed. If you’ve recently moved into a home and aren’t aware of all the faucets, take a stroll around the garage and/or the basement. Check behind large pieces of furniture or cabinets. Another common issue is with homes that previously had a pool. The former equipment could have been improperly disconnected. Have a professional check your property thoroughly to be certain.
If you have a high water bill check closely into the above items.
Defective Meters
Misreads of meters are not uncommon. Human error does occur from time to time. It’s well within your right to ask for a reread. Also meters can become defective. Check with your local public utility service to find out more info on requesting a reread or to have your meter inspected.
New Tenant
Son or daughter move back in with their endless amount of laundry? Your uncle staying in your extra room and just loves to run the water while shaving? Any extended stay guests can add a significant amount to your water bill and create a high water bill.
Water Conservation
Most of us now are use to having water at every faucet whenever we want it. Yet issues like those in Flint, Michigan and with the Dakota Pipeline Access show us how precious water still is. Conserving water is not only environmentally responsible but the best way to save you money on your water bill. After fixing and resolving any issues with your current plumbing, here are some tips to preserve water and ultimately keep your high water bill down:
Water Conservation Tips:
- Water your grass and plants when temperatures are at their lowest. High temps will cause water to evaporate causing the need to water your lawn more.
- If you are a fan of a cold beverage, store more in your refrigerator. Using your tap for cold water or to constantly make ice cubes can be costly down the road.
- Changing out older toilets for units that are more efficient can be a huge money saver. If you don’t have the money to do that there are devices you can add to your tank that can lessen the amount of water used at each flush.
- Locate your main shut-off valve. If you don’t have one, getting one installed by a professional is a great idea. It can be a lifesaver in the event a plumbing emergency erupts.
- If you don’t have a dishwasher consider investing in one. A dishwasher can save costly gallons of water over hand washing dishes.
- Washing your dishes with running water can cost up to 20 gallons of water. Filling the sink saves half those gallons.
- In the event of rain, make sure to turn off your sprinkler system.
- If you’re looking to buy new appliances make sure they are EPA WaterSense certified.
- Avoid running the washer or dishwasher with less the full loads.
If you do have a high water bill and wonder what the source is call Mitch Clemmons Plumbing serving La Habra, Fullerton, Brea, Anaheim and surrounding communities.
(562) 242-3218
Bill vs Bill

High Water Bill?
You may wonder why you have a high water bill but let’s start with the word ‘bill.’
The word “bill” has a number of meanings and uses. Probably most common is its use as first name. How William becomes Will and/or Bill has always been a bit confusing. If Will is short for William, shouldn’t Bill be short for Billiam? That would be an interesting name.
There’s also the legislative “bill”. In 1792, George Washington exercised the first veto on a bill. It would’ve divided the seats in the House of Representatives giving a few more seats to the North. Though he thought me might come off as a bit biased to the South, Washington nonetheless stopped its passing. Since the cherry tree, image was always a concern for ole George.
Another bill most are familiar with is their utility bill. Whether it’s your electric bill, gas bill or water bill, you see some bill once a month. Your water bill fluctuates greatly throughout the year for a number of reasons but there are some you can definitely control. An average family of four uses about 400 gallons of water a day and rates for running water can greatly vary from state to state. If you’ve seen a huge spike in your water bill, here are a things to look for:
Toilet Leaks
One possible source of a high water bill is your toilet. Your toilet uses more water than just about every other item in your home. Roughly nearly 30% of all water used inside your house goes through your toilet. Often your tank will leak back into the bowl. Now sometimes you can actually see or hear the leak if it’s strong enough. Other times the leaking water could be so subtle you’ll never notice it; until you get the bill.
If you want to be certain, you can place a few drops of food coloring into the tank. Come back after some time and if you see the color in the bowl, well, you have a leak. Normally a faulty valve in your tank is the cause for that leak. Most home improvement stores or even big-box stores will carry what’s commonly known as a flapper.
Sprinkler System
High water bills can arise because of a leak in your sprinkler system. Many lawns nowadays have a timed watering system. So over-watering usually isn’t the culprit. What could be over-watering your lawn are cracks or breaks in pipes under your grass. Or maybe a water leak in one of the fixtures. If you had this installed by a landscaper make sure to alert them to it immediately.
New Dishwasher, Refrigerator, or Washing Machine
New appliances in your home can be very exciting. They can also cause spikes in your water bill if they use water when the previous appliance didn’t. Most newer appliances have settings that can regulate how much water they use. Make sure to have those settings dialed-in by a professional.
Change in Routine?
Are you getting up earlier for work? So perhaps you’re taking showers earlier in the morning and letting the water run longer to heat up. If there’s no way around you taking a cold shower perhaps take a shorter shower to compensate for the time waiting for the water to warm up. Also switching to a WaterSense showerhead could save about 2900 gallons of water a year. Think about this when it comes to high water bills.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Running your water while your brush your teeth can equal up to 2 gallons of water. So shutting it off can save about 200 gallons a year. Yet sometimes when you shut it off you might not notice the slow leak costing you. Or do you have any faucets you rarely use? Sometimes older homes will have faucets and fixtures in the oddest places.Those too could be leaking so slowly that it goes completely unnoticed. If you’ve recently moved into a home and aren’t aware of all the faucets, take a stroll around the garage and/or the basement. Check behind large pieces of furniture or cabinets. Another common issue is with homes that previously had a pool. The former equipment could have been improperly disconnected. Have a professional check your property thoroughly to be certain.
If you have a high water bill check closely into the above items.
Defective Meters
Misreads of meters are not uncommon. Human error does occur from time to time. It’s well within your right to ask for a reread. Also meters can become defective. Check with your local public utility service to find out more info on requesting a reread or to have your meter inspected.
New Tenant
Son or daughter move back in with their endless amount of laundry? Your uncle staying in your extra room and just loves to run the water while shaving? Any extended stay guests can add a significant amount to your water bill and create a high water bill.
Water Conservation
Most of us now are use to having water at every faucet whenever we want it. Yet issues like those in Flint, Michigan and with the Dakota Pipeline Access show us how precious water still is. Conserving water is not only environmentally responsible but the best way to save you money on your water bill. After fixing and resolving any issues with your current plumbing, here are some tips to preserve water and ultimately keep your high water bill down:
Water Conservation Tips:
- Water your grass and plants when temperatures are at their lowest. High temps will cause water to evaporate causing the need to water your lawn more.
- If you are a fan of a cold beverage, store more in your refrigerator. Using your tap for cold water or to constantly make ice cubes can be costly down the road.
- Changing out older toilets for units that are more efficient can be a huge money saver. If you don’t have the money to do that there are devices you can add to your tank that can lessen the amount of water used at each flush.
- Locate your main shut-off valve. If you don’t have one, getting one installed by a professional is a great idea. It can be a lifesaver in the event a plumbing emergency erupts.
- If you don’t have a dishwasher consider investing in one. A dishwasher can save costly gallons of water over hand washing dishes.
- Washing your dishes with running water can cost up to 20 gallons of water. Filling the sink saves half those gallons.
- In the event of rain, make sure to turn off your sprinkler system.
- If you’re looking to buy new appliances make sure they are EPA WaterSense certified.
- Avoid running the washer or dishwasher with less the full loads.
If you do have a high water bill and wonder what the source is call Mitch Clemmons Plumbing serving La Habra, Fullerton, Brea, Anaheim and surrounding communities.